
Volunteer Info
If you would like to make a difference in peoples lives by volunteering, you can help us by handing out food on Thursdays from 3pm to 6pm.
The program runs from 4pm to 6pm or until we run out of food, which sometimes happens before 6pm. However there is preparation work to be done starting at 3pm on Thursdays.
If you have questions you may contact us with the form below, or you may swing by on Thursdays talk with Debbie for more info.
BE Church Food Program
494 W Columbia Ave
Belleville, MI 48111
Hours you can volunteer
Thurs 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
What days and times can I volunteer?
Any thursday year round from 3pm to 6pm. On occasion, particularly on a holiday week, the time and date may vary due to when a holiday falls.
Can I volunteer for only part of the time your open?
Yes, if you can only be there for part of the time on Thursdays that is fine, you can arrive or leave any time you like. However the majority of the work is done between 3pm and 5pm.
Are there other days I can volunteer?
There are some occasions, depending on if there is a food delivery truch schedule change or during weeks with holidays, that we change the schedule, so there may be other opportunities at this time to volunteer.
If you are interested to volunteer, but you can not volunteer on Thursdays, then please let us know so we can contact you as such times may arise.
Can I deliver food to people if I know people that need food?
Yes if you would like to pick up food for someone and deliver it to them you may do that. However as an entity we do not have a delivery program, so we do not have specific people that need food delivered.
Send a Message
If you have questions about volunteering please let us know.
If you would like for us to call or text you please include your phone number in the message.

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