
Get In Touch With Us

Contact Info

If you need to contact us you can do so below

BE Church Food Program

494 W Columbia Ave
Belleville, MI 48111

Send Checks to:

BE Church Food
494 W Columbia Ave
Belleville, MI 48111

Hours of Operation

Thurs 4:00 p.m. –  until food is gone (but no later then 6pm)



Is there income qualifications to recieve food?

No, we do not ask income related questions.  All that need help can freely receive food.

What areas do you provide food for?

There is no geographic limitations.  We exist to help feed the people God has created and that is everyone that lives everywhere.

Do you provide financial assistance?

No we do not provide any type of financial assitance.

Can I get food on days other then Thursdays?

No, we are only available to distribute food on Thursdays. 

Send a Message

If you have searched on our site and can not find the answer to your question, then please feel free to send us a message below.  We try and respond in 48 hours or less, but we are 100% volunteers and we have families too, so please be patient.  🙂

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